University of Colorado Colorado Springs LIFELINES Booth

This morning was the first run of the collaborative-project "Lifelines" in the University Center at UCCS. I had the opportunity to have positive conversations with students and even some helpful critique on the process and delivery of the project.

The booth included a 28" x 40" map of the World that people could use the pins and thread provided to map their Lifelines, starting with their birthplace. There was also a journal for those people to write their first name, age, and to answer a question about how collaborative projects can benefit our community.

Thank you to those who were able to contribute and to those who helped me haul and document today!

My goal is to reach at least 100 people in a broad spectrum of diversity who live in Colorado Springs. So far, 19 people have given their time to trace their Lifelines on the map and put an entry in the journal.


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